The Classic British Isles Buses Website
Surviving single deck halfcab exports (by Dick Gilbert)
Last updated 24 August 2024
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John Phillips' beautiful preserved Melbourne AEC Regal III bobtail, number 592. Photo by Peter Kane
This list is intended to record surviving exported single-deck halfcab buses and coaches based on a
British-built chassis. The vehicles will not have served in the U. K. during their working lives, but were exported either with
British bodies, or had bodies built locally in their destination countries.
The listing is arranged in order of (1) Chassis manufacturer, (2) Country, (3) Chassis model (e. g.
Bristol L5, then L6, or Tiger TS7 then TS8 etc.), (4) original operator in alphabetical order. Then each entry shows original
operator, original fleet number, subsequent owners / fleet numbers if applicable, chassis type, chassis number in brackets {__} if
known, body type (and age if different from chassis age), body number in brackets {__} if known, chassis build date, registration
number, ownership details.
Abbreviations are listed at the end. The bodywork abbreviations are in the standard format, i.e. B, C
or DP (for bus, coach or dual-purpose), followed by the seating capacity, then by the door position F, C, R or D (for front, centre,
rear or dual). The prefix U means a wartime utility body, F means a full-front, and O means open top.
For the latest additions (i.e. a bus that was always around, but I've only just found out about it !)
look for the *NEW* symbol. For any significant information updates see the *UPDATED*
Entries with links will usually connect to a photograph of the vehicle elsewhere on this site, or to
information on another site.
For surviving export double-deck halfcab chassis click here, and for
trolleybus exports click here.
Original Operator / Fleet Nbr. / Chassis / Body / Age / Registration / Last Known Owner
AEC (46 vehicles)
- Australia, Beam Transport 41 > MTT 144, Regal III (O962????) / Beam B??F (to Howard Porter B42F in 1960), 1947, stored at Cannington, Perth 2013.
- Australia, Beam Transport 48 > MTT 139, Regal III (6821A464) / Beam B34F, 11/49. Acquired by Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia 2014.
- Australia, Canberra DOI, Regal O662 / Syd Wood B??? (to full front in 1962), 1947, Heritage Bus Association, Brisbane.
- Australia, Canberra DOI 60160 > DCT, Regal III {O682213} / Comm.Eng B46D, 1949, C-60160 > 47714H Australian Capital Territory Internal Omnibus Network (ACTION), preserved in DOI livery. Sydney Bus Museum 2017. (Photo by Garth Wyver, at Sydney Bus Museum 2014).
- Australia, Fremantle FMTB 15 > Perth MTT 54 > EGTB Kalgoorlie, Regal III {O962022} / FMTB B42F, 1948, 45815, Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia 2012.
- Australia, Fremantle FMTB 22 > Perth MTT 90 > 228 > Cliffs Robe River Mining Co, Regal III {9621E1056} / Bolton B41D (to MTT B43F in 1960), 4/52, 45822 > UQB 228, Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia. Will probably be used for spares.
- Australia, Hobart M.T. 16, Regal I / City Body Works B??F, 19??, ????, Tasmanian Transport Museum, Hobart, unrestored 2019.
- Australia, Hobart M.T. 32, Regal III {6821A564} / Hobart Tramway B33F, 4/52, HS.1946, Tasmanian Transport Museum, Hobart, unrestored 2019.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 347, Regal III {9621E1341} / Comm.Eng B41D (later to B32F bobtail), 1951, ET.347. Seen intact on a flat-bed transporter in Victoria July 2022.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 352, Regal III {9621E1317} / Comm.Eng B41D (later to B32F bobtail), 1952, ET.352, Sydney Bus Museum 2017. (Photo by Garth Wyver, at Sydney Bus Museum 2014).
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 355, Regal III {9621E1336} / Comm.Eng B41D (later to B32F bobtail), 1952, ET.355, withdrawn June 1978. At Bealiba, Victoria with no engine, 2018.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 3??, Regal III {9621E977} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1952, ET ???. Disused caravan, Kalbar, SW of Brisbane, Queensland. For sale 3/21. (Photo from Grant, Kalbar, QLD 2021).
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 507, Regal III {9621E1???} / Comm.Eng B41D (later to B32F bobtail), 1952, ET.507. Donated to DERMPAV, Newport Railway Workshops, Victoria, as a parts donor for 531 and 560 (see below).
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 511, Regal III {9621E1???} / Comm.Eng B41D (later to B32F bobtail), 1952, ET.511. Ken Peck, VIC 2021. Outside storage, engine removed. (Photo by Helen & Peter Berry, Victoria, April 2021)
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 512, Regal III {9621E1359} / Comm.Eng B41D (later to B32F bobtail), 1952, ET.512 > PFK.744, Adrian Probert, Moolap, Victoria. Mobile home 2021. (Photo by Adrian Probert)
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 513, Regal III {9621E1???} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1952, ET.513 > ZDL.180, Joe Fogerty, mobile home 2013. (Photo by Scott Mitchell, Carrington NSW, Jan 2013.)
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 514, Regal III {9621E1???} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1952, ET.514, in a field, central Victoria 2009.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 522, Regal III {9621E1???} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1953, ET.522, withdrawn 7/80. In a yard under the control of the Commonwealth Government at Lockwood South, near Bendigo, Victoria 2020. The site was sold and became Happy Jack's Emporium, with the bus for sale at AUD 8,000. Condition described as poor. (Photo by Mark Blythe)
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 530, Regal III {9621E11316} / Ansair B41D, 1953, ET.530 > CH.1948. Ken Peck VIC, 2021.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 531, Regal III {9621E1436} / Martin & King B41D, 1953, ET.531 > AT.031, acquired by DERMPAV, Newport Railway Workshops, Victoria 2011.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 537, Regal III {9621E1378} / Martin & King B41D, 1953, ET.537, survives with Tramway Museum Society of Victoria, Bylands 2021.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 546, Regal III {9621E1???} / Martin & King B41D, 1953, ET.546, Ken Peck VIC, 2021, outside storage.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 547, Regal III {9621E1???} / Martin & King B41D, 1953, ET.547, Ken Peck VIC, 2021, outside storage.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 555, Regal III {9621E1444} / Martin & King B41D, 7/53, ET.555, caravan conversion, Philip Moses, Springwood, Queensland 2010. He intended to restore as a camper internally, but with original exterior and livery. With Rob Noy, Cooroy, Queensland 2021, exterior restored. (Photo from Rob Noy, Feb 2021, Cooroy)
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 559, Regal III {9621E1???} / Martin & King B41D, 1953, ET.559 > CH.1953, seen preserved and running at Melbourne Footscray depot open day 1995. Ken Peck, VIC 2021. (Photo by Helen & Peter Berry, Victoria, April 2021)
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 560, Regal III {9621E1446} / Martin & King B41D, 8/53, ET.560 > Dee Decker Tours, Melbourne. To DERMPAV, Newport Railway Workshops, Victoria 2012. Still under restoration 2018.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 5??, Regal III {9621E1???} / ?? B41D, 1953?, one of two owned by A. Bills, Bairnsdale, used as seasonal caravan for trout fishermen at Omeo Valley Road (just north of Mitta Mitta River bridge), Victoria. (Photo via Jeff Cooper 2010).
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 5??, Regal III {9621E1???} / ?? B41D, 1953?, one of two owned by A. Bills, Bairnsdale, used as seasonal caravan for trout fishermen at Omeo Valley Road (just north of Mitta Mitta River bridge), Victoria. (Photo via Jeff Cooper 2010).
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 592, Regal III {9621E1???} / Martin & King B41D (later to B32F bobtail), 1953, ET.592 > CH 0150(Photo by Peter Kane 2012) John Phillips 2012.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 593, Regal III {9621E1???} / Martin & King B41D (later to B32F Bobtail), 1953 ET.593, caravan, for sale west of Melbourne 7/10 for $15,000. Failed to sell.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 5??, Regal III {9621E1???} / Martin & King B41D, 1953, ET 5??, survives as caravan at Healesville, near Melbourne 2010 (photo via Peter Findlay).
- Australia, Sydney DRT&T 477 > 1477, Regal {O6622414) / Waddington B34D, 1938, m/o.1677> m/o.1477, Sydney Bus Museum unrestored 2009 without wheels. Condition considered to be too poor for the museum collection, so passed to a restorer in Sydney around 2012.
- Australia, WAGT 54 > Perth MTT 376 > EGTB Kalgoorlie 19, Regal III {9621E548} / Bolton FB39D (later halfcab B41D), 9/49, 45271 > WAG.8376 > UQB 376 > BD9139 > KMC 7315, motorhome conversion, surviving near Great Northern Highway / Reid Highway, Perth 2005.
- Australia, WAGT 73 > Perth MTT 378, Regal {9621E613} / Bolton B41D (later B43F), 1950, 45278 > WAG 8378 > UQB 378 > XLE 028, under restoration, Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia 2016.
- Australia, WAGT 77 > Perth MTT 382, Regal {9621E594} / Commonwealth Engineering B40D (fitted with new Campbell & Mannix B42F body in 1965), 1950, WAG 8382 > XMX 256 (Photo by Colin Davison, Western Australia 12/13) partially converted to camper, in good condition. James & Ryan Ackroyd, Western Australia 2014.
- New Zealand, Christchurch Tramways Board 240, Regal I {O6623550} / Christchurch T.B. B34D (later B39/13D), 1940, Tramway Historical Society, Ferrymead, Christchurch, awaiting restoration 2009 (probably using parts from No.233 of 1936).
- New Zealand, possibly Dunedin C.T., Regal I {6625049} / ???? B??F, 1937, DS 6173, Derelict but complete in Waimate, near Timaru. For sale 2/18 for restoration or wrecking.
- New Zealand, possibly Dunedin C.T., Regal I {O662????} / ???? B???, 193?, ????, Rescued for restoration apparently in the Christchurch area, June 2017.
- New Zealand, Wellington C.T. 49 > 249, Regal I {O6623024} / Wellington C.T. B33F, 1938, DO 4223, NZ Omnibus Society, under long-term restoration at Gracefield 2016.
- New Zealand, Wellington C.T. 26, Regal III {O962304} / N.Z.Motor Bodies B???, 1947?, EV6804 > OO6650 (1989) > ASN702 (2002) > AEC 47 (2004), caravan conversion, for sale 2/10 in Beachlands, Auckland for $40,000. In use as a caravan 2020.
- New Zealand, Commercial Buses, Regal I {6624709} / ??????? B???, 19??, ????, Derelict caravan in New Zealand 2006.
- Portugal, Lisbon Electric Tramways / Carris 17 > 5303?, Regal III {O963428} / Weymann/CCFL {M3411} B20D, 5/48, IL-14-49 > ESV 811 (UK Regn.) (Photo by Ken Jones at Newark 5/12) Carris AEC Preservation Group, Croydon, Surrey. Kept at Midland Railway Centre, Butterley, Derby 2012.
- Portugal, Lisbon / Carris 54 > 123, Regal III {9631E548} / Weymann/CCFL {M3556} B24D (now B16D) 11/48, FL-14-86, Grahame Wareham, Kidlington, Oxford. Sold to new owner in Portugal 2016.
- Portugal, Lisbon / Carris 104, Regal III {O963443} / Weymann/CCFL (1972) B16D 10/48, IF-14-62, Michael Roulston (Beith Transport Collection) North Ayrshire 2011. (Photo by Peter Skerry, AEC Rally, Newark 5/15) With new owner in Lincolnshire by 2015 re-registered YXG 905. Apparently stored at Wainfleet 2016. May have since been exported.
- Portugal, Lisbon / Carris 46 > 109, Regal III {9631E537} / Weymann (rebodied by UTIC 1970) B16D, 1948, EB-14-30,Carris Museum, Lisbon.
- Uruguay, CUTCSA, Montevideo 491 > 130, ACLO Regal II / Aguila B??R (rebuilt CUTCSA B??R in 1962), 1938, SAK.9924, CETCU (enthusiast group in Montevideo) 2009.
- Uruguay, Cita 8, ACLO Regal I {O6624033} / Independencia B???, 1950, ????, for sale in San Jose 2005
- Uruguay, Empressa Lavalleja 10 > Erhitran 491, ACLO Regal III {9631A1695} / Aguila B??D, 1954, ????, operates tourist services in Montevideo.
- Uruguay, Flecha de Oro 15 > Cita 75, ACLO Regal III / Independencia B???, 1947, ????, for sale in San Jose 2005
Original Operator / Fleet Nbr. / Chassis / Body / Age / Registration / Last Known Owner
Bristol (1 vehicle)
- South Africa, Anglo American Corporation > Welkom Bus Service 13, Bristol LWL6G {77039} / ECW B39F, 1948, OKC 4464 > OKE 1596 > 189 OKE > BZV518 FS, Stephen Coetzee > Sandstone Heritage Trust, Sandstone, South Africa 2013.
Original Operator / Fleet Nbr. / Chassis / Body / Age / Registration / Last Known Owner
Daimler (2 vehicles)
- New Zealand, North Shore Transport 35, Daimler COG5/40SD {8468} / North Shore B34F, 1938, P 635, no engine, derelict, in a field at Pakotai Junction, near Whangarei.
- New Zealand, North Shore Transport 72, Daimler CVD5SD {16294} / North Shore Transport B33F, 11/49, EX 9625, under restoration at Museum of Transport & Technology, Auckland.
Original Operator / Fleet Nbr. / Chassis / Body / Age / Registration / Last Known Owner
Dennis (3 vehicles)
- Australia, Sydney DRT&T 492 > 1492, Dennis Lancet II {175439} / Waddington B34D, 1938, m/o.1492 > 32271.H, Sydney Bus Museum 2017. (Photo by Garth Wyver at Sydney Museum 2014)
- Australia WAGR D24, Dennis Lancet J3 {350J3} / Bolton? B34F, 1947, 3186 > AL.2466, Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia, restoration nearing completion 2016.
- New Zealand, Northern Motor Bus Co., Whangerai 3 > Lake Ferry Buses, Dennis Lancet J3 {148J3} / Benton B34F, 1/47, FX 1950, Omnibus Society, stored at Wairarapa.
Original Operator / Fleet Nbr. / Chassis / Body / Age / Registration / Last Known Owner
Guy (12 vehicles)
- Australia, Coogee-Spearwood Bus Co no. 6 > MTT 474, Guy Arab III {FD33298} / Campbell & Mannix B40F, 4/51, found on a farm in Great Southern Region in poor condition, and donated to Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia 2013.
- Australia, Perth WAGT 99 > MTT 323, Guy Arab III {FD70679) / Bolton B39D, 9/51, 45289 > WAG.8323 > UQB.323 > 8CE486, poor condition, but possibly restorable. Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia, Whiteman Park, Perth 2009.
- Australia, Perth WAGT 101 > MTT 325, Guy Arab III {FD70551} / Bolton B39D, 10/51, 45291 > UAN.164 > UQB.325 > 1BPS.101, Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia, Whiteman Park, Perth 2016, restored as WAGT 101.
- Australia, Perth WAGT 108 > MTT 332, Guy Arab III {FD70626} / Bolton B39D, 11/51, WAG.8332 > UQB.332 > XKC.610, Privately-owned mobile home, seen at Andamooka opal mine, South Australia 2012.
- Australia, Perth WAGT 110 > MTT 334, Guy Arab III {FD70621} / Bolton B39D, 11/51, 45300 > WAG 8334 > UQB.334 > XGB 278 > BSN 15912, motorhome, runner. Photo by Colin Davison, Whiteman Park 2009. Acquired by Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia, Whiteman Park, Perth 2009.
- Australia, Perth WAGT 116 > MTT 340 > Transfield, Guy Arab III {FD70517} / Bolton B39D, 4/52, 60713 > WAG 8340 > UQB.340 > XBO 823, derelict 2007.
- Australia, Perth WAGT 120 > MTT 344, Guy Arab III {FD70684} / Bolton B39D, 5/52, WAG.8344 > UQB.344 > PER.344, motorhome Time Traveller, Heritage Bus Association, Brisbane 2009.
- Australia, Perth WAGT 125 > MTT 349, Guy Arab III {FD70412} / Bolton B39D (rebuilt by MTT), 7/52, 60884 > WAG 8349 > UQB.349 > XKW 115, motorhome, James & Ryan Ackroyd, Carnarvon area, WA, 2013.
- Australia, Perth WAGT 129 > MTT 353, Guy Arab III {FD70564} / Bolton B39D, 8/52, UAN.153 > WAG.8353 > UQB.353 > XHD 694. May become parts donor for 344 above, Heritage Bus Association, Brisbane 2009.
- Australia, Perth WAGT 133 > MTT 357, Guy Arab III {FD70423} / Bolton B39D, 10/52, 10336 > WAG.8357 > UQB.357 > AU291, roadworthy motorhome, P Stevens & C Thomas, Beverley area, W.A. 2007.
- Hong Kong, China Motor Bus 7??, Guy Arab V {FD75417} / Metal Sections B30C (to recovery vehicle in 1975), 1963, AD4563, New World First Bus 2009.
- New Zealand, Suburban Bus Services > Cambridge Travel Lines, Guy Arab / ??? B???, 1946, ????, survives as motorhome, Neil James.
Original Operator / Fleet Nbr. / Chassis / Body / Age / Registration / Last Known Owner
Leyland (42 vehicles)
- Australia, Perth Metro 22, Lion LT1 {50241} / Campbell & Mannix B30?F, 1929, 10868 > 21222 > 31922 > 45622 > 1BPS.022, Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia, Perth 2016.
- Australia, Perth Metro 36, Lion LT5a {5703} / Campbell & Mannix B32?F, 1935, 21236 > 31936 > 45636, Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia, Perth 2016.
- Australia, Fremantle Metro 59 > MTT 59, Lion LT9c / Leyland (or maybe MCW) B32F, 1938, UAN.203, Alan Gibbs, Cannington, Perth 2013.
- Australia, South Suburban 18 > Perth Metro 58 > MTT 58, Lion LT9c / Campbell & Mannix B34F, 1938, UAN 202 > UAN 352, Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia 2016.
- Australia, Perth Metro 16 > MTT 16, Lion LT9c / MCW B32F, 1939, UAN.200, acquired for preservation 2005.
- Australia, Sydney DRT&T 275 > 1275, Tiger TS7 / Waddington B34D, 1937, m/o.1275 > 30021.H, Sydney Tramway Museum 2011.
- Australia, Sydney DRT&T 389 > 1389 Newcastle > West Bankstown, Tiger TS7 / Waddington B34D, 1937, m/o.1389, Privately-owned, Hunter Valley NSW. Has engine from Titan TD5. In need of major restoration 2015. (Photo by David Wilson, Hunter Valley 2014).
- Australia, Launceston M.T. 61 > 361, Tiger OPS1 / ??? B??F, 1947, ???? > WMJ.995, Tasmanian Transport Museum, Hobart, largely restored 2019.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 369, Tiger OPS1 {462957} / M&MTB B31D, 11/48, ET 370 > LHS.744. Outdoor storage near Dixie, Victoria 2008.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 370, Tiger OPS1 {463065} / M&MTB B31D, 11/48, ET370 > CH.4747, Alan Tovey, central Victoria. To Ken Peck, VIC 2006. Still intact 2021. (Photo by Helen & Peter Berry, Victoria, April 2021)
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 371, Tiger OPS1 {463066} / M&MTB B31D, 12/48, ET 371. For sale, Coober Pedy, South Australia 2006.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 372, Tiger OPS1 {463061} / M&MTB B31D, 12/48, ET 372 > INM.915, Stephen Rooke, Bendigo, Victoria 2008.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 376, Tiger OPS1 {461798} / M&MTB B31D, 3/49, ET 376, preserved, Tamworth 2000.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 391, Tiger OPS1 {461830} / M&MTB B31D, 7/49, ET 391, preserved, Keith Kings.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 392, Tiger OPS1 {461821} / M&MTB B31D, 4/49, ET 392, Steven Rooke, Bendigo, Victoria 2008.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 322 > ESOS 54 > Dubbo Bus Service, Tiger OPS4/1 {490754} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1950, ET 322 > GRV 860, Under restoration in Melbourne by the Victorian Bus Preservation Association and the Kefford Corporation 2008.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 334 > ESOS 53, Tiger OPS4/1 {490890} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1950, ET 334 > GRV 862, Ashlee Williams 2020, stored at Ballarat, Victoria. (Photo by Ashlee Williams 2020)
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 316 > Perth MTT 274, Tiger OPS4/1 {483894} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1950, ET 316 > WAG 8274, spares source at Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia 2007. Tow wagon 5.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 317 > Perth MTT 287, Tiger OPS4/1 {490895} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1950, ET 317 > WAG 8287, motorhome, last recorded in Waroona WA area, mid 1990s.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 320 > Perth MTT 283, Tiger OPS4/1 {490739} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1950, ET 320 > WAG 8283, motorhome, Andy Renn, Safety Bay 1999.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 321 > Perth MTT 271, Tiger OPS4/1 {490741} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1950, ET 321 > WAG 8271, Perth Electric Tramway Society, Whiteman Park. Tow wagon 2.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 323 > Perth MTT 286, Tiger OPS4/1 {490755} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1950, ET 323 > WAG 8286, seen in scrapyard at Mandurah, south of Perth, 2000, largely intact.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 329 > Perth MTT 269, Tiger OPS4/1 {490750} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1950, ET 329 > WAG 8269, Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia 2016, tow wagon 4.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 331 > Perth MTT 277, Tiger OPS4/1 {490747} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1950, ET 331 > WAG 8277, Mobile home. John Handley, Stoneville WA, 2014, to be restored.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 335 > Perth MTT 276, Tiger OPS4/1 {490889} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1950, ET 335 > WAG 8276, donated as spares source by Mark Tattersall, Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia. Remains broken up 2013.
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 336 > Perth MTT 268, Tiger OPS4/1 {490888} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1950, ET 336 > WAG 8268, Sydney Bus Museum 2014, Tow Wagon 3. (Photo by Garth Wyver at Sydney Bus Museum 2014).
- Australia, Melbourne M&MTB 337 > Perth MTT 273, Tiger OPS4/1 {490891} / Comm.Eng B41D, 1950, ET 337 > XBW 614 > WAG 8273, motorhome, Donald Cann, at Glenreagh, NSW 2006.
- Australia, Perth Metro 81 > MTT 81, Tiger OPS4/1 {490897} / Bolton B40F, 10/49, 31.981 > 45.681 > 1BPS.881, Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia 2016.
- Australia, Perth Metro 84 > MTT 84, Tiger OPS4/1 / Campbell & Mannix B42F, 1949, 31.984, Fred Rose 2009 (Photo by Fred Rose at Cue 2009). Derelict at Murchison emerald mine, near Cue, Western Australia, no engine.
- Australia, WAGT 79 > Perth MTT 360, Tiger OPS4/1 {491907} / Comm.Eng B42D (later B45F), 1950, 10.802, WAG 8360 > UQB 360 > XQY 283 > 7HE245, motorhome, Rob Smith, Kalgoorlie.
- Australia, WAGT 80 > Perth MTT 361, Tiger OPS4/1 {491906} / Comm.Eng B42D (later B45F), 1950, 10.805 > WAG 8361 > UQB 361 > UQB 002 > XOB 755, Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia, under restoration 2016.
- Australia, WAGT 81 > Perth MTT 362, Tiger OPS4/1 {491904} / Comm.Eng B42D (later B45F), 1950, 10.807 > WAG 8362 > UQB 362 > XPT 819, Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia, restoration completed 2014.
- New Zealand, L.J.Keys, Auckland, Tiger TS8 / ???, 193?, ????, chassis only, Crawley Ridley Collection, Hawkes Bay 2005.
- New Zealand, Christchurch Tramway Board 284, Tiger OPS3/1 {494334} / McWhinnie, Christchurch B37/12D, 1950, ?????, awaiting restoration 2009, Tramway Historical Society, Ferrymead, Christchurch.
- New Zealand, Christchurch Tramway Board 285, Tiger OPS3/1 {494335} / NZ Motor Bodies B37/12D, 1950, CT 3939, was converted to mobile caravan. Still exists?
- New Zealand, Christchurch Tramway Board 286 > Nelson Suburban 32, Tiger OPS3/1 {494329} / NZ Motor Bodies B37/12D, 1950, PI 969, Erin & Rua Smith, house bus in Kaikoura. For sale 2009.
- New Zealand, Christchurch Tramway Board 287, Tiger OPS3/1 {494327} / NZ Motor Bodies B37/12D, 10/50, PF 4852 Paddy and Karen, mobile home in New Zealand 2007.
- New Zealand, Christchurch Tramway Board 288 > Northern Motor Bus Co. 27, Tiger OPS3/1 {494326} / NZ Motor Bodies B37/12D, 1950, ?????, static caravan, Managweka.
- New Zealand, Dunedin C.C.T. 49, Tiger OPS3 / Dunedin CCT B34/17D, 1950, ?????, rumoured still to exist somewhere in New Zealand.
- New Zealand, Dunedin C.C.T. 50, Tiger OPS3 {494337} / Dunedin CCT B34/17D, 1950, DK 3253 Terry Bingham, mobile home in Tuahiwi, New Zealand 2009 named Tiger Lily.
- New Zealand, Wellington City Transport 50 > 250, Tiger OPS2/1 {473112} / NZ Motor Bodies B37D, 1948, EV 6810, static caravan used as sleep out and storage for over 40 years by P. Beech, Waikawa Bay, Picton. For sale on trademe.co.nz 3/18 with a buy now price of $10,000, a runner but no seats.
- New Zealand, Wellington City Transport, Tiger OPS2/1 {4731??) / NZ Motor Bodies B35D, 1949, ????, chassis only, East Coast Museum of Technology, Gisborne.
- Sweden, Stockholm Tramways 16068, Tiger TS1 / Leyland B25D, 1928, A13046, Stockholm Transport Museum 2009.
Original Operator / Fleet Nbr. / Chassis / Body / Age / Registration / Last Known Owner
Seddon (2 vehicles)
- New Zealand, North Shore Transport 80, Seddon Mk.6/2 {9630} / North Shore B34F, 1955, EX9630, at Museum of Transport and Technology, Auckland (stored, unrestored) 2008.
- New Zealand, North Shore Transport, Seddon Mk.6/2 {31672} / North Shore B34F, 1956, EX???, Jodi Lucas, caravan 2016.
Original Operator / Fleet Nbr. / Chassis / Body / Age / Registration / Last Known Owner
Thornycroft (1 vehicle)
- New Zealand, N.Z.R.R.S. 95, Thornycroft BC Bodicea {14797} (fitted with Leyland Lion engine c.1930 and Leyland Retriever engine c1945) / N.Z.R.R.S. B30F, 9/29, GB 1929, NZ Omnibus Society, under restoration at Silverstream 2016.
Original Operator / Fleet Nbr. / Chassis / Body / Age / Registration / Last Known Owner
Tilling Stevens (1 vehicle)
- Hong Kong, China Motor Bus, Express K5LA7 {9518} / CMB B36D, 12/49, 4943 > HK 104, to training bus 1967, preserved by CMB 1976. Ching Motor Bus, Hong Kong 2006.
BPSWA - Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia
CCT - City Council Transport
Comm.Eng - Commonwealth Engineering Works
DCT - Department of Capital Territories (Canberra)
DOI - Department of the Interior (Canberra)
DT&T - Department of Road Transport & Tramways (Sydney)
EGTB - Eastern Goldfields Transport Board (Kalgoorlie)
FMTB - Fremantle Municipal Tramways Board
M&MTB - Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board
MOTAT - Museum of Transport & Technology (Auckland)
MTT - Metropolitan Passenger Transport Trust
WAGR - Western Australia Government Railways
WAGT - Western Australia Government Tramways
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Classic Manx Buses